Thursday, February 28, 2013

Below are a few images that we intend to use in the final presentation boards.

Here is the banquet/conference room.

Here is a site perspective overview

And this is a view from the parking lot to the entry of our building.

Mid Project Presentation

Here is the presentation that we gave for our mid project update.

Evolution of the Site Plan

From the start of the project, our group had decided that we absolutely wanted a lush bioswale to continue with the sustainability of wind power and living a more ecological lifestyle.  With the west-northwest winds coming on to our site, we wanted to block off those harsh winds to allow a nice path to the building, but we didn't want to take all of the wind out of the situation because this is a wind interpretive center
Below shows the solution to some of the problems stated above.   Parking is no longer flanking the building and being a focal point and it is now pushed back behind the bioswale.  a few coniferous trees were put on the west to help slow wind going across the pathway.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Curtain Wall Design

 This is the image of the curtain wall that will be used in our interpretive center.  The curtain wall is at a 10 degree slope so the structure I propose is shown here to hold up the glass.

Here is a view of the curtain wall from the human perspective.  This is what would be viewed from ground level.
This image shows the materials I used to make the structure.  I cut pieces out to matte board and etched fold lines in them so they could fold together and fit together like a puzzle.  This had to be one of the most satisfying models I have built solely because the pieces fit together so well and it too not a long time to put together.
Here I have a view of my curtain wall that I made in sketchup.  The cables are shown here that connect the spider brackets to the panes of glass.  The solution I came up with for connecting the curtain wall to the roof is also shown.